Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in receiving...
Supervises and coordinates activities of workers engaged in receiving and preparing eggs for incubation; incubating eggs; grading, preparing, and shipping chicks in poultry hatchery: Confers with hatchery manager to discuss equipment and supply needs, production and research requirements, and work schedules. Assigns workers to duties, such as egg candling, sorting and traying, incubating eggs, and grading and $T3debeaking$T1 chicks. Monitors thermometers, gauges, and chart recorders to detect equipment malfunctions and to verify compliance with incubator temperature and ventilation standards. Adjusts controls to maintain specified incubating conditions. Periodically inspects eggs in incubator trays to ascertain hatching progress, and orders removal of chicks. Observes packing of chicks to verify adherence to customer's orders and shipping instructions. Prepares production reports, and requisitions equipment, materials, and supplies. Performs other duties as described under SUPERVISOR (any industry) Master Title. May be designated according to type of hatchery as Supervisor, Chicken Hatchery (agriculture); Supervisor, Turkey Hatchery (agriculture).